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Turmeric: A Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Spice

Turmeric has been valued in Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and other elements of Eastern culture for thousands of years. This is not only for its warm, peppery flavor but also its incredible range of medicinal properties.

Indian cuisine is a perfect example of how turmeric is used as a central ingredient of many dishes, both as a nutritional addition and a remedy for sickness, pain, infections, wounds and other ailments. In fact, it is often referred to as a “holy powder” in Indian culture. This traditional admiration of turmeric is finding more and more credence in the scientific community, as modern researchers marvel at its jaw-dropping range of antioxidant, antiviral, antibiotic and other healing properties.

It’s also becoming increasingly common to see turmeric powder being used for combating inflammation. The plant has a potent supply of curcumin in its roots, which studies have shown is behind turmeric powder’s amazing anti-inflammatory properties. This compound is capable of influencing hundreds of genes, and it can impede the activity and synthesis of several enzymes associated with inflammation. Curcumin is also the pigment that gives turmeric its distinctive, bright yellow/orange hue.

So, does turmeric work for inflammation?

First, let’s take a look at what inflammation is. Inflammation is a perfectly normal process that the body goes through when white blood cells and various chemicals kick into action to protect you from viruses, bacteria and other unwelcome visitors. Although this process often causes heat, pain, swelling and/or redness (symptoms that osteoarthritis patients are all too familiar with) you need at least a bit of inflammation to stay healthy. However, the response sometimes gets out of hand and, if left untreated, becomes a chronic health issue.

Chronic inflammation is a condition linked to autoimmune disease, allergies, asthma, heart disease, cancer and a range of other diseases depending on the affected organ. Some patients would turn to over-the-counter analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to relieve the pain caused by inflammation, but these are only a short-term option.  In addition, regular use of these medications may cause kidney and liver damage, cardiovascular complications and gastrointestinal issues.

The evidence showing turmeric powder is an anti-inflammatory

In contrast to ibuprofen and aspirin – common medications used to reduce the pain of inflammation – the curcumin found in turmeric can naturally minimize the symptoms without risking damage to your kidneys or liver. This ingredient is key to the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric, in addition to a range of other health properties.

Other types of turmeric and anti-inflammatory research have shown that inflammatory pathways are blocked by turmeric comprising curcuminoids, which are plant-based nutrients with potent antioxidant properties. This effectively inhibits a protein that is responsible for causing pain and swelling, pointing to the viability of turmeric powder for inflammation relief.

More than just a powerful anti-inflammatory spice, turmeric is also heralded as a general booster for the immune system thanks to its significant antioxidant properties. In fact, it’s five to eight times more powerful than Vitamins E and C and capable of scavenging the hydroxyl radical; arguably the most reactive of any oxidant.

There’s plenty more to discover about curcumin and turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties, but there’s no doubt that ancient Eastern medicine was onto something!

 Post adapted from TurmeriX Australia.

Further reading on turmeric anti-inflammatory research